Skywoman's Forever Farm is a 60 acre fruit farm located on one of our ancestal Kanienkeháka Turtle Clan Villages in Iohskóhare, on the Schoharie Creek. It is also home to Wahianiíontha Tsi Iohontsiaká:ien Learning Center. We are embracing and embedding the principles of Onkwehonwenéha, and working towards the goal of sending clean food home to our communities.
Wahianiióntha Tsi Iohontsiaká:ien (Hanging Fruits on the Old Land) Language Center is rooted in our mission of restoring our Onkwehonwené:ha (Original Instructions), through land-based teachings and Kanien’kéha (Mohawk language) immersion. Our children are now strengthening their Kanien’kéha and deepening their roots with the land, actively raising the vibration of our Mother Earth.
Our rematriation journey at Iotsi’tsison Forever Farm has only just begun and your continued support fuels our collective fire. Bearing witness to the seeds sprouting of our ever-evolving vision has been such a joy, bringing nothing but gratitude. Your donations & support goes a long way, impacting not only those that are here, but the faces to come. Niawenko:wa (a grand thank you).