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Orenhre'kowa Ki'taratakie
Kawenniiosta Jock is Kanien’kehá:ka, of Ieráhkwa, the Iroquois people. Title family of Orenhrekó:wa Wolf Clan from Akwesasne. Currently she's the Co-excutive director of the Waterfall Unity Alliance and living on and over seeing Skywoman's Forever Farm in Iohskóhare Schoharie Valley.
This project is a passion of Rematriation to restore the collective balance within her people and all humanity. She's a mother of 6, a visionary, land protector, master seamstress, artist of many forms and lover of all creation. Kawenniiosta was instrumental in developing a Traditional Support Program of cultural teachings and language preservation within Akwesasne. She is a Onkwehónwe full-spectrum doula and alumni of the Akwesasne Freedom School.
She brings her heart felt desire to create space for healing.