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Wahianiióntha Tsi Iohontsiaká:ien (Hanging Fruits on the Old Land) Language Center

Iotsi’tsíson Forever Farm will be home to the Wahianiióntha Tsi Iohontsiaká:ien Learning Center, which means “Hanging Fruits On The Old Land”. It is envisioned as a language and cultural immersion program designed to facilitate a vibrant, resilient community dedicated to the teaching of our original lifeways.

Language is one of the central pillars of our return to our cultural ways of living and learning. The revitalization of our ancestral culture requires us to know our language fluently. As we return to environmentally sustainable
ways and practices, our language will hold the keys to many teachings that have been misunderstood or almost completely lost.

We have just hired a fluent language teacher to create a year-round program for families and youth living on the land. The school will start with 6 children, but there are many more families interested. There will be teachings around medicinal plant identification, foraging and harvesting; as well as making natural products, jam, jellies, medicines, salves, syrups, etc.


All daily activities will all be taught, worked, and played in the Kanien’keha language. It is a practice of reciprocity in action.

We will also provide educational programs for visiting relatives from sister territories and intend to offer workshops throughout the year on topics pertaining to: healing through Ohèn:ton Karihwatehkwen, rites of passage, medicinal herbs, ceremonial songs, ceremonial speeches, symbolism in beadwork and art, environmental issues, meditation practices, and medicine societies. We will also begin a seed saving initiative and bring this ancient practice back to our farm, our youth and our people. 


3992 NY-30

Middleburgh, NY 12122

315 - 514 - 0420

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